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An Ordinary Member?

An Ordinary Member?

“Just an ordinary member of the church,” I heard him say, but you always find him present, even on a rainy day.

He has a hearty handshake for the stranger in the aisle,

And a friend who is in trouble will find sunshine in his smile.

When the Sunday sermon helps him, he tells the preacher so, and when in need of comfort, he lets the elders know; He always gives so freely and tries to do his share, in the ordinary tasks for which others have no care.

His talents are not many, but his love for God is true; His prayers are not in public, but he prays for me and you.

“An ordinary member”?- I think that I would say,

“He’s an extra-ordinary member in a humble sort of way!”

-Author Unknown

The Most Dangerous Sin

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament warns of the danger of neglect. In fact, the sin of negligence is one of the most dangerous. Sin is divided into sins of Commission and sins of omission. Most members become upset concerning sins of Commission but seem never become alarmed with sins of omission.

  1. Neglect is dangerous because it requires no effort. It takes no effort to avoid the needy, visit the sick, to attend Bible Study- all three of which must be classified as sins of omission.
  2. Neglect is dangerous because it is the root of other sins. 
  3. Neglect is dangerous because it is contrary to the purpose of the Gospel.
  4. It is also dangerous because negligent people will be lost.