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First Grade Students Attend Gay Wedding

It was not just another field trip. It was out of the ordinary – a field trip composed of first grade students who were attending their first wedding of a gay couple in San Francisco. Two women were married, and as they left the building where they were married, the children were throwing rice on them. According to their teacher, this was supposed to be a learning experience, subjecting them to an alternate lifestyle. Education is now being employed to change our culture into a paganistic society – one in which all lifestyles are to be accepted.

A bill was introduced into congress – another hate crime bill – that would make it a crime for a preacher to denounce homosexuality as a sin, but said bill has been tabled for the time being. Should the bill be resurrected, and should it pass, it would be a crime for any preacher to declare homosexuality to be a sin, would result in his being imprisoned, and the liberals, the authors of this bill, want freedom of speech from themselves, but not for others. They talk about separation of church and state, but then turn around and try to regulate what the church preaches. If these leftwing pagans succeed in getting this bill passed, then we are gone.

Senator McCain opposes same sex marriage; Senator Obama supports civil unions. But I’m concerned about the position of the Bible on homosexuality. It’s simple. It is condemned (Romans 1:24-27). Oprah Winfrey upholds the philosophy that “There is no sin,” but she doesn’t have the final say on morality. That call is God’s, not Oprah’s. “Don’t you know that evil people won’t have a share in the blessings of God’s kingdom? Don’t fool yourselves! No one who is immoral or worships idols or is unfaithful in marriage or is a pervert or believes like a homosexual will share in God’s kingdom.” (I Corinthians 6:9 CEV).

In America today, if one quotes from some God-basher, he is considered a scholar, but if he openly speaks of God and the Bible, he might be censored, suspended from his job or school, or even be fired.

The picture in America is sad. I wonder if God isn’t getting fed-up with America? Why should God bless a nation that is populated with people that love themselves, love sin, and whose chief concern in two chickens in every pot, and two cars in every garage? I don’t know of a single passage in the Bible that says that America can do what she wants to do and get by with it.

Dear readers, the only way to get America in good standing with God is to respect Him and allow His word to light our path (Psalm 119:105). The answer to America’s sins is God. It isn’t technology, a strong economy, or higher test scores in our schools and colleges, but faith in God and willingness for our nation to be directed by Him.

My friend, Dennis McGuire of the Russell Hill Community, needs to know in his preacher’s license, if he has one, for the job of the real minister is to defend the truth, which he isn’t. What a joke to insist that liberal democrats don’t favor abortion, killing babies is wrong, Dennis, and your man Obama favors it.