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How About Housing Guantamo Bay Detainees in Your County?

President Obama has ordered the closing of Guantanamo Bay within a year and moving its 245 remaining detainees which is in keeping with a campaign promise.  His actions have set off a debate in Congress fearing that terrorists such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, master-mind of the 9/11 attacks, would be transferred to military prisons here in the United States.  Foreign countries do not want them.  It is apparent that many of the detainees are dangerous, some of them former terrorists.

Rurla Viewpoints - Jimmy Cook 

President Obama has ordered the closing of Guantanamo Bay within a year and moving its 245 remaining detainees which is in keeping with a campaign promise.  His actions have set off a debate in Congress fearing that terrorists such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, master-mind of the 9/11 attacks, would be transferred to military prisons here in the United States.  Foreign countries do not want them.  It is apparent that many of the detainees are dangerous, some of them former terrorists. 

Would you want your county to take a few of them?  Could you sleep better at night with them jailed near you?  This all seems like a dangerous move just to keep a campaign promise.  It shows how far politicians will go to undo what other politicians have done.  If you would object to having the detainees living in your county or district, then how can you praise this act?

Is that not hypocrisy?

By way of contrast, who is going to set the Middle Class of America free from their imprisonment?  We’ve done no wrong.  We’ve worked and saved.  We have paid our taxes, unlike some who’ve been appointed to high offices in recent days by the Obama backed administration.  Our own Senator Corker voted in favor of a tax dodger.  He’s one Republican I’ll never vote for again—not ever.  Unwise politicians have given away our tax dollars, and sent our jobs to Mexico and China.  Our own politicians from Tennessee have voted to bail out the big boys, but have done nothing for the little people.  Who will set us free?  4.6 million Americans are drawing jobless benefits with no hope of a job in the near future.  Millions are now being sent to foreign countries to kill little babies, called abortion, but no money for the hungry children of the Middle Class and no money for the elderly to buy medicine.  If liberal Democrats and weak-kneed Republicans want to stimulate our economy, then bring our jobs back.